The right to privacy is a fundamental human right recognised by most democratic countries and protected under the Constitution. However, with the increasing use of technology and the virtual reality of our world, it has become important to establish laws, regulations and processes to regulate and protect this right further. The importance of data protection cannot be overemphasised in today's world where all aspects of our lives are one way or the other digitised.
This guide to data protection in Nigeria discusses the various aspects of data protection in Nigeria and answers some key questions like:
- What is/ are the law(s) regulating data protection in Nigeria?
- What is/ are the agencies that exercise regulatory oversight over data protection issues?
- What is the historical antecedent of the NDPR?
- Who does the NDPR apply to?
- What sort of data is protected?
- Are there any transaction exempted from the application of NDPR?
- Who are the classes of people recognised under the NDPR?
- What are the rights of a Data Subject?
- What steps must a company to which the NDPR applies take to be fully compliant?
- What is a Privacy Notice?
- What must a Privacy Notice contain?
- What are the procedures to be adopted in the event of a data breach?
- How is the NDPR enforced?
- What is the provision for data retention under the NDPR?
- Are there any penalties/ repercussions for failure to comply with the provisions of the NDPR?
This Guide was put together by our team comprising of Immaculate Odekina, Ini Iheonye, Oluchi Duru and Miracle Ekeng.